Martijn Lesterhuis

LLM, MBA, Partner

Venturis Consulting

Martijn is a partner at Venturis and an expert in driving change and growth in law firms. With a combined background as lawyer, strategy consultant and law firm board member, Martijn assists firms in building coherent and evidence based strategies focussed on transformation and profitable growth. Due to his first-hand experience with board room dynamics and managing partnerships, he has excellent understanding in how to manage effective and high impact strategy implementation within law firms.
Martijn’s broad experience includes projects on Transformation (organisational and operational change), Profitable Growth (commercial, client and pricing strategies), Finance, Merger processes and Post Merger Integration. Apart from his long-term career in the legal industry, he can boost on substantial experience in other industries. Martijn worked, both at national and international level, within leading organisations on strategy and business transformation, including in Financial Services, Health Care, Consumer Goods and Aviation.

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