Jaap Bosman


TGO Consulting

Jaap Bosman is a leading strategy consultant and an investor. He is founder and CEO of TGO Consulting a strategy consulting boutique for the legal sector which operates worldwide. He is widely recognized as one of the world’s principal thought leaders on the future of the legal industry.
In his day-to-day practice Jaap is a trusted advisor to elite law firms in Europe, America and Asia.
His achievements have been recognized in 2013 by the Financial Times with the first ever Innovative Lawyers Award for International Strategy. He is also a winner of the Thomson Reuters Excellence in Legal Marketing Award.
In 2015 Jaap published his first book Death of a Law Firm English edition published by the American Bar Association. Chinese edition published by Law Press China. The book has become an influential global bestseller.
In 2019 he published his second book, Data & Dialogue – a relationship redefined.
May 2020 Jaap Bosman published ‚A New Dawn‘
Jaap regularly contributes articles to Bloomberg, the ABA Journal, the ACC Docket, and various other leading publications around the world.

Markus Fuhrmann

Dipl. Ing, Dipl. Jur., Partner, Legal Managed Service Lead


Markus Fuhrmann is a partner at KPMG-Law and is leading the Legal Managed Services practice in EMA. For more than 20 years, he has been advising companies on (digital) transformation and repositioning for better efficiency, scalability and agility, including process/IT optimization especially for legal departments.

Markus is an expert in the management of large-scale complex global projects with implementation of business case driven IT & SAP projects, including BPO, IO, AM. He spent 18 years with Accenture – 7 years as a managing director – and built up the outsourcing and digitalization practice. He built up (legal) service centers for clients to set-up cost efficient processes.


Anne-Sophie Morand

Dr. iur. Rechtsanwältin, LL.M, Data Governance Legal Counsel


Anne-Sophie Morand gilt als Rechtsexpertin bei Digitalthemen wie Datenschutz und künstliche Intelligenz. Zu diesen Themen doziert sie u.a. an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU), verfasst Fach­publikationen und moderiert Anlässe. Morand studierte Rechtswissenschaften an den Universitäten Luzern und Neuchâtel. Nach Studienabschluss forschte sie an der Universität Luzern und verfasste eine Dissertation im Bereich Persönlichkeitsschutz und Sportsponsoring, die mit dem Schweizerischen Sportrechtspreis ausgezeichnet wurde. Sodann absolvierte Morand einen LLM in IT Law an der Universität Edinburgh. Sie arbeitete u.a. für das Schweizer Parlament, den Eidgenössischen Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragten (EDÖB) und die Wirtschaftskanzlei Walder Wyss.